Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thing 13: Scooter!

After a long wait, here are more fun things in Tyler, TX!!

Not the dog you were looking for, I bet. This is Scooter!

He runs!...

He catches!...

He retrieves!...

I don't know what kind of dog he is, but he is kind of big, really likes to play, and got all up in Tootsie's face once at Ultimate (not in an aggressive way). We keep them separate now. Maybe someday they will be friends. But probably not.

Scooter is trained only to go after colored discs, so he doesn't ruin game discs. Crazy, huh? I thought dogs were colorblind. Here's a picture of Scooter with her owner (Tyler), and a lil' Tootsie in the background. Stay tuned for more picture-based awesomeness!

We'll be back to all-Tootsie all the time soon enough...


  1. Hahahaha! I love this post. I thought "scooter" was going to be tootsie doing you-know-what. Scooter is cute - I love frisbee catching dogs! And yes, I believe dogs ARE colorblind, but they could certainly tell the difference between white and not-white. She looks like a poodle or portuguese water dog. You should find out what she is. I look forward to meeting her. And how old is her owner? I'm impressed that he taught her so well! ...oh, is scooter a he or she? you called him he at first, then said she at the end...

  2. Yay! Scooter is a he, oops. And actually I'm not sure. He might be Hannah's dog, or else Tyler's. They both play ulty at UT Tyler and attend classes. Tyler is one of the captains. I think they're both juniors in undergrad, or thereabouts.

    I will ask what breed he is!
