Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thing 25: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #6!

Okay, one last video of Tootsie drying. At least, until we take some more!

I hope you've enjoyed this series of Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays. I know she has. :-p

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thing 24: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #5!

Tootsie gets dried off, and revolutionizes the Olympic high jump technique in the process.

It's the Tootsie side-flop!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thing 23: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #4!

I'm happy, I'm feelin' glad.
I got Tootsie, in a bag.
I'm wet now, but not for long.
The dry fur is comin' on.

(It's comin' on, it's comin' on.)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thing 21: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #3!

Like an ant with a lancet fluke that forces it to climb to the top of a blade of grass and be eaten by a hapless grazing animal... (yeah, just like that), a wet Tootsie trying to become dry has little care for her well-being or surroundings.

...sometimes with dire consequences.

Caution: This video may not be appropriate for young children.

"Don't bash your head on that!!"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thing 20: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #2!

Here's another wet Tootsie, doing what she does best: be cute while trying to dry off!

Hee, hee, hee...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thing 19: Tootsie drying Tuesday-Thursdays #1!

Starting today, you'll see a new video every Tuesday and Thursday, of Tootsie drying off after a bath.

Yes, I do bathe her. And yes, she is still so cuuuuute! Here's one of many:
