Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thing 17: Interrupting Tootsie!

Doot doo doo, doot doo doo. Just walkin' on the table here. La, la, la la...

Oh hai! Hello there! Whatcha' lookin' at?

Oh, some pretty flowers, eh? Well, that's nice. Those showers sure are pretty. I guess you've got plenty of pretty things to look at. So. You won't be needing me here, then.

Fine, I'm outta' here. Seeya' later.

[Insert Tootsie butt here.]

...I hate flowers.


  1. Did you give her a bath recently? She's lookin' less shaggy and gross... but it's probably just the lighting...
    wah wah.

  2. Yeah, along with some very targeted hair trimming. She forced my hand! It was her second in only 3 weeks! I even brushed her coat!

    I still haven't trimmed her long nails or really cut her hair...

  3. And by forced my hand, I mean she got a little messy last week. Nothing a little bath+trim won't fix!
